MAIJA AND SINERGIA Title: Exploring the Modern Brazilian-American Jazz Connection Description: Vocalists Maija Rejman and Sinergia delve into the rich intersection of modern American and Brazilian jazz, blending cultures through...
MARCIA BAIRD BURRIS ENSEMBLE Carmen McRae Revisited Described as “earthy, expressive and articulate,” vocalist Marcia Baird Burris pays homage to McRae’s artistry with selections from her iconic tribute albums to...
TACHA COLEMAN PARR The Way We Were: A Life Story In Song This is an introspective show that allows the listener to explore aspects of self and separation, loneliness and...
BARRY MOTON QUARTET Title: Strayhorn Revisited: A Closer Look Description: The Barry Moton Quartet, joined by his exceptional singing vocalists-friends, presents “Strayhorn Revisited: A Closer Look”, an evening celebrating the...
REGGIE UPSHAW Title: A Salute to Al Jarreau Description: Reggie Upshaw pays tribute to the legendary Al Jarreau with a medley of beloved classics and hidden gems. Showcasing Jarreau’s unique...
ELLA GAHNT AND THE VINCE EVANS TRIO Tribute to Carmita Poe: Philly’s Greatest Champion of Music Ella Gahnt, the celebrated Philadelphia-based jazz vocalist, presents an unforgettable evening honoring the legacy...
IVA JEAN AMBUSH AND AMBUSCADE The HarGroove Effect: The Legacy of Roy Hargrove Building on the legacy of Roy Hargrove and his genre-blurring group, The RH Factor, Ambuscade brings an...
RENEE GEORGES AND GEORJAZZ QUINTET Title: Jazz Tapestries “Jazz Tapestries” is a mesmerizing exploration of the stories and emotions woven into jazz music, blending beloved standards with innovative contemporary works....
TONY COMPTON QUARTET Title: Strayhorn, Steely, and Standards Anthony “Tony” Compton presents a dynamic musical journey blending the elegance of Billy Strayhorn’s jazz classics, the bold sophistication of Steely Dan’s...
THE CHILLQuiet Band Jazz: The Next Generation The Next Generation highlights the vibrant future of jazz, showcasing the incredible talent and innovation of young musicians poised to carry the genre...